Welcome to the Roaring 2020s – a platform for you to find evidence-based research and applications to help you flourish and thrive over the next decade. We aim to inspire, educate and empower you.

Why the Roaring 2020s?

The Roaring Twenties was the period of sustained economic prosperity in Western society and culture that occurred during the 1920s. 100 years on and the Roaring Twenty Twenties (2020s) are set to change society and culture forever. The successful female Hollywood actors, directors, writers and producers committed to telling women’s stories are far-reaching, with cascading impacts on women demanding equal pay and representation across all arenas. Technical skills are being automated and becoming obsolete, whilst “soft skills” are becoming increasingly more important and relevant. The innate strengths and skills of women will be in higher demand than ever before, with huge impacts and opportunities for working women. So we are here to ensure you have the tools to make the most of the 2020s.

How we support you

We won’t tell you what to do. We will share findings from positive psychology, neuroscience, emotional intelligence and other evidence-based research to help you to take small, but practical and sustainable steps to living your best life. Think of it as LinkedIn or Facebook, but without the plethora of ads, “Likes” and other noise that you need to wade through to get to what you really want.

You determine what resonates with you. You decide what you want to try to help you build, strengthen and develop your mind, mental and emotional health and practical skills in a proactive way (the same way that a physical exercise/health plan can build, strengthen and develop your body). Everyone is different. It’s not about doing the same things as everyone else. It’s about finding what works for you, that you can sustain, and perhaps most importantly, enjoy doing. If you want to create an positive social impact, we’ll help you with that as well.

You are exactly where you need to be right now, but we don’t want you to drift through life with regrets. We want to help you make positive, pro-active decisions on how you can flourish and thrive, and potentially help others if that’s what you want to do. You already have everything you need to do this, but we’ll help you to find the latest research simplified into everyday practical applications to help you continue to develop and grow purposefully. 


Who is behind the Roaring 2020s?

I love creating opportunities for women (and girls) to be their best (although most of the content on this platform is equally applicable for men). Like everyone else, I have great days when I implement this stuff perfectly and average days when I show up flaws and all. This platform expands on the weekly Soul Sisters emails and articles I have been sending out for more than 10 years and all the random development questions my coaching clients and friends ask for tips on. 

I want to make a positive social impact on the world, one person at a time. I aim to be the Banksy of inspiration, education and empowerment. I am your cheerleader. By lifting you up, you can lift others up. I love watching the ripples effects of this flow out to your family, relationships, work colleagues and way, way beyond. I want you to be awesome, so join me on the journey of living your life with passion and purpose. Call me Susie Cheerleader (not my real name).

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